الأربعاء، 1 يناير 2014

Facts You din't know about Man City.

Facts You din't know about Man City.

Here are 11 facts about Manchester City that Manchester City fans already know.
1. The oldest player to play in the Premiership was Manchester City goalkeeper John Burridge, who was 43 years, 4 months and 26 days when he came on as a half time substitute for Manchester City v Newcastle United on April 29, 1995.
2. In 1906, only a few years after Manchester City won the FA Cup, a large portion of their team was suspended due to financial irregularities. Not much is known about the specifics of this situation, but seventeen players were placed on suspension, severely hampering the team’s ability to compete.
3. In 1937-38, they managed to become the only club ever to be relegated with a positive goal difference (80-77).
4. Man City’s most successful run was in 1969 to 1970’s when they won the FA Cup (1969), European Cup Winners’ Cup (1970) and the League Cup (1970).
5. Manchester City have only twice held the British transfer record, once for Steve Daley in 1979 from Wolverhampton Wonderers for £1,180,000 and latterly, Robinho from Real Madrid in 2008 for £32,500,000.
6. Youngest Player who ever played for City was Glyn Pardoe, who was 15 years 314 days (against Birmingham City, First Division) in 1962.
7. City won their first FA cup in 1904.
8. City once won the Old European-Cup winners Cup in 1970 under Joe Mercer, who later become City’s most memorable and successful manager.
9. Manchester City scored over a hundred goals in 1957/58, only to concede a 100 goals in the same season.
10. For the first seven years of their history, Manchester City were known as Ardwick FC.
11. Eric Brook is City’s all time top scorer with 178 goals in 494 appearances

الثلاثاء، 31 ديسمبر 2013


Google – being a part of our lifestyle

This the age of globalization and we depend on technologies on almost everything, we have gadgets that helps us on our everyday jobs, u know smart phones and computers. Internet has its important role in human life; internet is connecting the world, gathering people closer day by day. And another importance of the internet is the role as largest information provider, we remember Google the search engine, it searches almost everything you need to get informed on internet.
How to, where to, what, why every questions is answered by Google without any difficulties, that’s why its popularity getting richer day by day. Google has become another meaning of internet these days in the world, it has many languages option, that’s make it even popular in the world. People can use Google in different languages what they find easy, its very easy and catchy small kids to old grandpa can easily do Google these days, students find Google their second teacher outside the class, when they get any confusion they just Google it, and they find the solution.
Google has many applications like Google +, You tube, Google translator, Google Map, Google ad-sense, and the most powerful email service in the world G mail and it has the blogging site also. So we can meet new friends and relatives from around the world on just Google+, its getting popular day by day and people finding it better than any social medias, another application from Google is Google translator, it translates many languages to English or from English to many other languages, and there are nothing other like Google translator.
Google ad sense is another service from Google and it gives the opportunity to income from the internet using its blogging sites or monetizing  You tube videos. You tube is the largest video gallery in the world from Google, where we can find almost all kind of videos from all over the world in just one click, as we can find information in one click using Google search. And another great application by Google is the Google map-the easiest and the most accurate map ever! We can search any places and we just get all the information using the Google map, we use the fastest web browser on our computer that is Google Chrome! That’s has lots of extension that can help our day to day life, like Google calendar, Google weather etc.
Thus the Google is making our lives easier day by day, we use G mail as our major email service, Google as our search engine, Chrome as our browser and YouTube as our video gallery, and e blogger as our store pf thoughts. And Google + as our social media, we interact to all of our friends and relatives using Google services, thanks Google for everything, for making our lives easier and enjoyable!

How do you spend New Year

How do you spend New Year ?

If you think to spend new year eve in Africa for a holiday, you have to visited the legendary pyramids onNew Year eve occasion ? There is a tendency to celebrate Christmas and New Year eve in a foreign city that you've never been before. If you are from this trend, the city of Cairo in Egypt is highly recommended for your next holiday to come. Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Arab world and Africa. Its metropolitan area is the 16th largest in the world. Located near the delta of the Nile, it was founded in the year 969. The historic town has many attractions and Oriental festivals waiting for you to discover on New Years Eve 2014 .

Destinations and parties on New Year's Eve 2014 in Cairo

New Year's Eve 2014 will be the best day of the year for the sights of Cairo . There will be no shortage of things to do and money to spend in the celebrations .
Large public gardens and Sakkara Mariottia are the most popular places for Christmas and New Yearholidays in 2014 . It will house events companies , artists, full bars. Plenty celebration entertainment forms are available here at reasonable prices for all to join new year Eve .

The rock Maadi nightlife , Pub 55, ring in the new year 2014 with an oriental night club after hours bamboo has a line-up of DJs to celebrate along the Nile River to ' New Year Blowout "as the fact of Otium ( opium) open bar, 2014 New Year's Eve party. This is the place to meet friends and DJ Feedo the new york. group , the hip- hop Republic.
Away from the scene of exciting Egyptian party , Cultural Center Shababeek bring you a night of live music , with less than 23 years, Maghna Khana , Oriental West Band and DJ trance , Suxsav . Cairo Symphony Orchestra will be directed by Ahmed El Saadi . The concert will feature soprano soloist , Nicoleta Radu , for a special New Year's Eve performance in 2014 . El Sawy and Culture wheel present Iraqi musician Naseer Shamma at the scene for a special concert.

Travel outside of the city of Cairo for the most special night of the year for one of the nearby resorts would basically guarantee a better NYE celebration . Sharm , Hurghada and Dahab are all geared towards foreign tourists. These will organize many large parties countdown to ring in the new coming new year 2014.

Another option is to celebrate to board cruise ships Cairo NYE . Many cruises offer NYE countdown celebrations including dinner and champagne on a romantic trip on the Nile River . A suggestion for your choice is the 5-star Grand Marquise Boat Grand Hyatt Cairo .

Hotels and accommodation in Cairo on NYE and Christmas holidays

As the largest city in Africa , Cairo has a complete range of hotels in response to the needs of travelers. You will find many large hotels and resorts with excellent facilities and services such as Intercontinental Cairo Semiramis Hotel, Concorde El Salam Cairo Semiramis Intercontinental Hotel Cairo , Ramses Hilton Hotel , Novotel Cairo Airport Hotel , etc. If you plan to spend your approach to Christmas 2013 and New Year2014 in Egypt , hotel reservations early and tickets are highly recommended book new year Eve .

الأحد، 29 ديسمبر 2013

Problèmes et Solutions avec administrative expert !

Problèmes et Solutions avec administrative expert !

Réalisateur: je dois travailler six problèmes fondamentaux , complexe et omniprésente.
Expert administrative: Quel est le visage de la complexité et de resurgir Vehl ?
Directeur : Le premier problème , plus vous résoudre , réapparu à nouveau .
Expert administrative: parce que vous les résoudre de la même manière à chaque fois.
Directeur : Le deuxième problème , peu importe où je pensais que je ne trouve pas une solution .
Expert administrative: parce que vous regardez sous le même angle en permanence !
Directeur : Le troisième problème , pas le résoudre en face de moi est un peu d'alternatives .
Expert administrative: parce que vous cherchez à les vieilles solutions clés en main , et êtes à la recherche de nouvelles solutions et de créativité!
Directeur : Le quatrième problème , prendre beaucoup de mon temps et mes efforts .
Expert administratif : vous tournez autour, ne pas timide de sa position , pas s'éloigner de ses environs!
Directeur : Le cinquième problème , il est impossible d'avoir une solution .
Expert administrative: Ce n'est pas un problème si !
Directeur : Le dernier problème est le grand nombre de problèmes que je rencontre au travail .
Expert administrative: parce que vous êtes à la recherche pour plus de problèmes que la recherche de solutions ?
Avant ^ _ ^

Augmenter l'activité de votre page sur Facebook

Augmenter l'activité de votre page sur Facebook

 Nous allons clarifier certaines choses qui aideront à attirer les fans de participer et de les commenter ou ils sont admirables :

1 - les liens qui sont placés , tels que les liaisons vidéo ou autre qui s'est avéré être le lien qui contient une observation personnelle de la propriétaire de la page augmente la proportion de ses fans pour la fusion de 20 % de la Poste normale

2 - les publications qui contiennent des miniatures Tatirha plus grand dans la prise de la publication rencontré et admiré réunis pour commenter et chaque fois que l' image miniature de haute qualité sera la plus grande influence

3 - Lorsque vous écrivez une nouvelle publication doit tenir compte des mots sélectionnés pour être placé , ainsi que le nombre de mots mots Vlatjal longues et pas court- Mark publication moyenne se compose de 4 lignes maximum et le moment de la grande question de tater de l'interaction des fans avec votre page doit choisir un moment où le pourcentage de présence des utilisateurs dans FB peut signifier gros billets que par la présence de vos amis et de la présence d'habitude sur la plus grande FB entre l'après-midi et minuit et aussi de choisir un jour de la semaine est très utile

4 - Nombre de fois où les publications de publication ne publient pas un grand nombre de Mark aujourd'hui vos publications moyenne quotidienne et pas seulement le poteau de chaque heure ou deux ..

parler de ce qui parle de vous interagissez ****

Une interaction accrue avec la page ..

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La meilleure façon sans fatigue ni l'effort et de la crédibilité et de l'emplacement de contenu de recherche de logiciels Yabalash pour elle dans Google parce que le site Arabie fournit aussi de nombreux services, y compris, par exemple, augmenter followers Twitter et augmenter followers Facebook, ainsi que l'augmentation Allaakat et aime tant Anstaqram Facebook et gâteau du site et YouTube liaison descendante


الأربعاء، 25 ديسمبر 2013

Le premier jour de leur mariage

Le premier jour de leur mariage il lui a pris la main et lui a dit :
Ce quii m'a poussé à être ta moitié dans le Dîne c'est
Parce que je voulais vivre pour toujours dans ton coeur affectueux,
me noyer dans ton regard majestueux,
toucher ce rêve délicieux et voluptueux,
qui me transporte à travers les cieux lorsque je plonge dans tes yeux,
Omri, chaque instant auprès de toi est somptueux

* Deux frères fillah discutent :

* Deux frères fillah discutent :

- « Akhy, je ... je voudrais te parler d'une chose ... »
- « Et bien dis moi ! Ne sois pas gêné Je suis comme ton frère »
- « J'aime une personne et je voudrais te demander un conseil ... »
... - « Aah ( le frère sourit ) ... Masha'Allah, Kheyr Insha'Allah dis moi Je suis là »
- « Je voudrais l'épouser le plus rapidement possible mais comment procéder ? »
- « Tu ne lui à jamais parler ? »
- « Non, jamais j'attends le h'lel pour entendre sa jolie voix ... »
- « Masha'Allah tu as complètement raison c'est ce qu'il faut faire ! Moi, je serais toi, je parlerai à un de ses proches et je lui dirais que je voudrais épouser la Oukht en question ... »
- « Akhy, Je veux épouser ta soeur ! »

Un homme dit a sa femme

Un homme dit a sa femme en rigolant : " y a t-il un homme plus beau que moi ? "

Elle lui répond: " je ne sais pas "

Il se tait et demande après: " y a t-il meilleur que moi alors ? "

Elle lui répond encore :" je ne sais pas "

Il lui redemande : " y a t-il plus doux que moi "

Elle répond encore une fois : " je ne sais pas"

Il s'inquiéta alors et demande : " comment sa tu sais pas ?! "

Elle souria et lui et répond : " comment pourrais je regarder un autre homme alors que je t'ai toi ?!

Comment un autre homme pourrait-il attirer mon regard alors que JE NE VOIS QUE TOI et alors qu'Allah (Azzawajal) a fait de toi mon Mari dans cette vie et dans l'au delà ..

الأحد، 22 ديسمبر 2013

Enjoy Watching Videos

الخميس، 19 ديسمبر 2013

how to survive a heart attack when you are alone

Ponieważ wielu ludzi przeżywa udar serca bez pomocy, warto wiedzieć, że osoba której serce bije nieprawidłowo mając udar i czuje się wyczerpana, ma do dyspozycji 10 sekund zanim straci świadomość. 
# Jednakże można sobie pomóc i przedłużyć ten czas poprzez oddech i kaszel, które powinny się powtarzać bez przerwy co 2 sekundy, dopóki nie dotrze pomoc, albo dopóki ktoś nie odczuje że serce znów bije normalnie. Pomóc sobie można przez kaszel, głęboki, energiczny, powtarzający się (bez ustanku). Należy wziąć głęboki wdech przed każdym kaszlem i kasłać tak, jak by się chciało wyrzucić z głębi płuc flegmę. 
# Głęboki oddech wnosi tlen do płuc a ruch związany z kaszlem ugniata serce i podtrzymuje cyrkulację krwi. Ciśnienie przez takie ugniatanie serca może wrócić do normalnego stanu. W ten sposób postępując ofiary udaru serca mogą nawet dotrzeć do szpitala. Powiedzcie o tym jak największej liczbie ludzi. # Wg kardiologa jeśli każdy kto widzi ten post i podzieli go z 10-cioma ludźmi, bądźcie pewni, że ocalicie chociaż jedno życie... 
# Zamiast dzielenia tylko żartów, proszę Was, byście udostępnili tę informację, która może niektórym ocalić życie.

الأربعاء، 18 ديسمبر 2013


The importance of being in the industry raise the standard of living of the peoples, including money generated from , and what they provide for the welfare of the human being Bmguetnyatea different , and so are an important way to absorb the excess labor needed for agriculture and other services .
With the contribution of the industry to develop other economic activities , such as agriculture, trade , and transportation , including its core products , such as fertilizers , agricultural machinery , energy and materials , and modern transportation .

Industries are divided into three main sections :

1 - primitive industries .

2 - Mini industries .

3 - modern industries .

The industry, in order to thrive is necessary to Tuaraadd of the most important ingredients :

1 - capital .

2 - raw materials .

3 - dynamics .

4 - labor .

5 - the markets .

6 - Transportation and Communications .

الثلاثاء، 17 ديسمبر 2013

What is art drawing?

What is art drawing?

Is a set of skills , such as drawing and photography , sculpture , architecture , graphic either by using the 
printing sheets of lead or using a computer (PC) and modern techniques .

Art material or the field or the world is difficult for those who enter its scope to reach to a paragraph of several sentences know what art and what it means for a person and include a course in communities , Art is fine goal Pfnanyh and their creative work through the ages is a record photographer and sculpted for human rights, and a group chromatics and blocs established in a vacuum beauty we see around us is not only through art .
Everything is taken from the nature of reality . Formulated and drafted a new one. Poses any new formatting , and this is what we call a word ( configuration) . The fine : the artist is a researcher who formulate shapes. Taking vocabulary of the surroundings . Everyone has his vision and approach , so there were many processors these subjects , forcing researchers in the areas of technical bid to put this under the framework of production ( technical schools ) .

Definition of art

Definition of art

That every job well done and pooped it is one of the art ..

Such as who has the talent and the graphic artist is feared above ..

Like who has the skill to play football or other sports is the art ..

And such also has a knack of singing is an artist .. why this word was limited to only the singers ..?

In a vocalist Abdullah Muhaideb songs and song speak for driving a car

Says: the art of leadership and taste ..

He focused on the word (art) even driving a car is one of the arts ..!

And Alktheiar of Business is one of the arts ... and called the owner artist ..!

الاثنين، 16 ديسمبر 2013

Directly after a few .. The draw for the Champions League outlines the struggle for the title

The eyes of lovers of charming round in Europe and the world after a few towards the Swiss city of Nyon to follow the draw ceremony of the first knockout round of the Champions League and League draw 32 and sixteen of the Europa League .
It is scheduled to be launched draw for the last 16 of the Champions League at the eleventh second GMT GMT , followed by an hour draw for the Europa League .

The successful teams Real Madrid, Barcelona and Atletico Madrid and Bayern and Dortmund , Manchester United, Chelsea and Paris Saint-Germain to qualify for this stage headings groups , while The teams Manchester City , Arsenal, Schalke and Leverkusen , AC Milan, Galatasaray and Olympiacososent St Petersburg in the centers of the runner-up .

And meet the teams that occupied the group heads with second-placed teams in the group stage , the team leader to run in his second leg of the first knockout round at home .

The lottery will be addressed a little bit , where he is serving its deportation of the two teams who met in the group stage from each other in the first knockout round , in addition to sparing the difference coming from the same state of confrontation at this stage.

الأحد، 15 ديسمبر 2013

Choses sont souvent oubliés en hiver

Choses sont souvent oubliés en hiver:

 1. porter des chaussettes en laine : peut-être la plupart d'entre nous suivre le coton été chaussettes à porter en hiver et ceci mène aux pieds des sueurs froides à la suite de son sport ou le travail lourd parce que l'humidité est absorbée et seersucker refroidissement pieds au-dessus de la vapeur absorbeur et conserve l'humidité plus longtemps de l'eau et recommandent donc que vous portez en laine chaussettes en hiver car il fournit une isolation supérieure et plus chaud des propriétés physiques de la plus distinctive

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